The configurator

Product configurator software for customized products

With Merkato Essentials from CPQing Solutions you can easily and quickly configure even the most complex and variable products. By filling the product configurator with your company-specific knowledge rules (for example, structure, options, colors, prices and (im) possibilities), 100% productible products are always put together. The users are supervised by the product configuration process in an intuitive and structured manner. Thanks to the visualization possibilities, your customer gains insight into the chosen options in real -time. With the CPQing product configurator you get software that optimizes processes in all layers of your organization.

Online visual generator

Visual configuration software is indispensable in the sales process of products or services. Your customer can put together, view, offer and/or order the desired product online. If desired with visual support.

Most companies offer a wide range of products or services. This makes a huge number of variations possible. With every choice that your customer makes, the possibilities change. Thanks to the visual product configurator, no impossible combinations can be put together.

Click here to experience our 3D configurator

Guaranteed correct

Our backend consists a rules engine in which – without programming knowledge – knowledge rules (configuration and calculation rules) can be recorded that configure the product guaranteed correctly. This rules engine (the engine of the product configurator) is the most powerful and fastest in the market. And the flexibility has no limits!

Because we are happy to let you experience this flexibility yourself, you can request a non-binding demo configurator to put together your own configuration. This way you can see yourself what is needed to show and sell your products in the right way.

Curious about the possibilities? Request a demo!

The benefits

At CPQing we chose to go back to basics and from there to put together a well -considered product with only the most important functions of Merkato. You can see the product configurator of CPQing as Merkato Essentials . Growing to a more extensive set of functions is always possible.

With our software you only use the essential functionality of “big brother” Merkato. As a result, the solution is a very attractive choice : after all, you only pay what your company really needs.


  • Visual purchase guidance for the customer
  • Professional appearance
  • guaranteed correct offers (quotes always producable)
  • Clarity for sales team and customer about the standard and the limitations per product or service
  • Complex products are easily and clearly displayed
  • Control over the content of the quotation document
  • Possibility to configure (and sell) online
  • Shorter lead time (from quotation to production)
  • Less failure costs
  • Easy to expand
  • Direct insight into costs and delivery times of variations
  • To be linked with various eCommerce platforms
  • No IT or programming knowledge required

User interface to your wishes

You can design the user interface of the CPQing Configurator to your own wishes, fully integrated into your own website. With or without dynamic images or other visualizations – of course the choice is yours. Our consultants help you make the choice that best suits your wishes and organization. After all, your customer has different needs than a sales in your company. We call this the “Form follows function” principle.

The product configurator as a project catalog

With Merkato Essentials you can also offer a product catalog to your customer. Whether it concerns two, twenty or two hundred products: that makes no difference for the product configurator.

In one environment you can record the general project parameters at the main level, such as the name and address data, expected delivery time, expected payment agreements and whether or not you want to add the general terms and conditions to the quotation document . Below that you can add the configuration of that product per product.

On the one hand, thanks to the project catalog you are much more flexible in offering possibilities. Incidentally, it is simply necessary for many manufacturing companies to offer multiple products in one quotation (such as for frames producers, trading companies or suppliers of office establishments). On the other hand, the technical side of things is much easier and easier to manage. For example, do you want to offer certain extra services? Then you only have to adjust this in one place in the product configurator. This makes the control of the configurator particularly simple and this also saves you time and money.

Integrate in your order management

Connect your product configurator directly to your eCommerce-platform to generate more sales. We have standard couplings with, among others, WooCommerce, Shopify, OpenCart and Lightspeed, but our configurator can be linked to almost all platforms. Once the composite solution is settled online, a sales order is automatically created in your production system .

If your (again) seller has advised the customer a solution, the configurator makes it possible to make 100% correct offers. This too also has positive effects on the order and production process. This way the production department knows exactly which product composition it must produce or which service it should provide. This leads to a significant fall in the error costs of your company .

Usable as a sales configurator

Are you looking for a configurator for your sales organization? Then use Merkato Essentials as Sales-Configurator. Although there are no major differences with a product configurator, we consider a sales configurator as a tool for (again) sellers. They guide the buyer (often business to business) in the purchasing process and translate the needs of the buyer into a suitable solution. The advisory role can be taken even more with a sales configurator.

In practice it appears that making quotes requires a lot of time and that knowledge of the right product composition is not always available. By using a sales configurator-which includes the knowledge of your best sellers-users can make correct offers and select beautiful combinations faster. Possibly on the basis of a 3D visualization.

Want to use the CPQing Configurator within your organization? We are happy to think along with you about the possibilities!

Find out more about the sales configurator

Why choose a product configurator from CPQing Solutions?

CPQing Solutions provides you with a total solution: in addition to the software, we also provide a wide range of services. This allows you to look forward to the implementation process with confidence.

Our services include implementation support, providing training, building a document template, modeling graphical visualization(s), website integration, integration with your e-commerce platform and integration with your CRM and/or ERP application. But you can also contact us for software maintenance and support.

No need for services? No problem! You decide what you purchase.

Contact us without obligation

What makes our CPQ software unique?

Why we simply have the very best solution:

Merkato Essentials has an extreme amount of functionality.

In 2004, CPQing software development started. Today we deliver the fifth generation of the software and therefore remain the most modern configurator in the market. It is therefore impossible that competitors who have only been active for a few years in the market, have the same amount of functionality. That is why we use the motto: “We already have solutions for problems you have never thought about”. We can handle all your complexity of product and pricing rules.

People from the business do the design and management themselves.

Not the people from the IT department, but your people from the business know what information is needed to sell products and services. It is therefore these people who must be able to safeguard their knowledge in the configurator. Therefore, absolutely no IT knowledge is required to successfully set up CPQing.

CPQing has the best price-functionality ratio in the market.

CPQing provides you with a solution for a lower investment than you think. Our prices are much sharper than other suppliers in the market. We are happy to calculate this for you.

The implementation is a piece of cake.

Deployment takes days, not weeks. Product and price rules are recorded in so-called ‘decision tables’. This is very simple and clear. Not only for products and services with few variants and options, but also for companies with greater complexity. Not only today, but also next year, when another user may have taken over management.

Greatest flexibility in developing the user interface.

Where the competition is stuck in a single way of presenting information to the user, we offer you complete freedom. You want a different user interface for your internal employees than for your dealers or website visitors. We even enable you to guide end customers through the purchasing process. We call this “Form follows Functions”.

We are CPQ specialist and focus on connectivity.

CPQing is a specialist in its field. We are proud of this. We do not want to be a disguised ERP- or CRM-system and therefore integrate seamlessly with all your applications for an optimal workflow. We deliver a cloud-based solution with an open API. Our people have the experience to automate your workflow as well.

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